PIR Motion sensor SEN51 ,R12
This is HC-SR501 IR Pyroelectric Infrared Motion Sensor Detector Module
PIR sensors are used to detect motion from pets/humanoids from about 7m away. This one has an adjustable delay before firing (approx 2-4 seconds), adjustable sensitivity.
- working voltage range :DC 4.5-20V
- Quiescent Current :50uA
- high output level 3.3 V / Low 0V
- Trigger L trigger can not be repeated / H repeated trigger
- circuit board dimensions :32 * 24 mm
- maximum 110 ° angle sensor 7.
- 7 m maximum sensing distance
Getting started with PIR Motion sensor
In this project you’re going to create a simple circuit with an Arduino and PIR motion sensor that can detect movement. An LED will light up when movement is detected.
Parts required
- Arduino UNO
- Jumper wires
- PIR Motion Sensor
Connecting the Hardware
Tx: Adjust the duration of the HIGH output. The shortest time is about 3 seconds and the longest is about 5 minutes. Turning the potentiometer clockwise increases the time and turning it counter-clockwise decreases the time.
Sx: Adjust the sensitivity, or range, of the sensor . The sensor can detect motion in a range from as close as 2 meters up to 7 meters. Turning the Sx potentiometer clockwise decreases the range and turning it counter-clockwise increases the range.
Setting the trigger jumper
With this jumper you can select the mode of the module.
Single trigger(H):
The output pulse starts immediately after a movement is detected and remains ‘H‘ until the set time has elapsed. If during this time other motion detections occur, they have no influence.
Repeatable trigger (L):
Every new movement detected starts a new time cycle.
Connect your Motion sensor to Arduino Uno as shown bellow.
- VCC: 5V
- Out: D2 (you can choose yours)
- LED: D13 (you can choose yours)
Uploading the Codes
Upload the following code into your Arduino.
//In this tutorial we have set our trigger jumper to 'H' int sensorPin = 2; //sensor on digital pin int LED = 13; //LED on digital pin void setup() { pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT); pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); //boud rate } void loop() { int val = digitalRead(sensorPin); digitalWrite(LED, val); if(val==1)Serial.println("\tMotion Detected."); else Serial.println("\tNo motion detected."); delay(100); }
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